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    Ideas and plans, was all that I had when approaching them. Wished they were reasonable at cost. Yes! They were. This troupe was particularly easy going and gave us all the support we wanted, in terms of deciphering the basics.

    Our plan was to create an on-demand service app that provides very significant items packed in a bag. For instance, if you are travelling to a destination and you badly need pills for headache or an antibiotic, Jetpack delivers it! It was all planned to work out like a part time occupation.

    During the initial stages I had no clue how much of effort was needed to develop an app, what the flow was like or even the basics of it! ‘Appoets’ were extremely helpful in simplifying it for us. We had a thorough knowledge transfer which most business concerns don’t do, fearing competition.

    Unlike other business, it is prohibited to rotate cash within the campus. This created a complication in setting a delivery method in the app! Which is adding a ‘Cash on Delivery’ button was a strict ‘NO’. The complication -If the app goes without a COD button, provider delivers the product but the receiver could get the item and decline payment, which may be a loss for us. But if COD is given, chances of being seized was really high! To my surprise, they supported us with God’s Eye from the back end.

    We were the only U.S. clients, the only people with huge time difference, for them at the time of our bond. But the crew was more dedicated in getting the job done, they decided to allot a special team who put their heart and soul in development round the clock and stayed with us till the very end of the project. We were able to make it with few or no errors or bugs at all!

    Since we were budding then, a Business analyst team was also given particularly to guide us through the project. We planned to get an investor good enough to clear the bills. But the final output fetched us somebody who invested close to 13,000 dollars.

    If you are going to them for an app development, it is important that you go with a clear goal and a plan. Giving them suggestions and letting them know the needs, kindles their spirit for a cool output!!
